I've had the same experience in multiple places. One that is especially memorable was when I climbed up to Masada, the ancient Judean fortress, rather than take a cable car like 95% of the other tourists. Climbing to the top gave me a sense of scale and the impregnable nature of the setting which is what led to that site's section. Can't get the same feeling riding up on a cable car!

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Added to the travel wish list!

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Machu Picchu. Same thing. Hike up.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Frederik Gieschen

Great note, to your point can experience much more a place trying to buy groceries or send a letter there than visiting whichever cultural institution a guidebook may suggests.

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Exactly. Explore on foot, talk to the locals, study the shops.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Frederik Gieschen

Good one. The title 'view from the peak' itself is an apt one. I second the statement of yours 'Clarity is not found in a single moment but formed over the course of the journey'. This itself is a zen philosophy and the way the Japanese try things out in refining any process to achieve results. This is a kind of IKIGAI statement to me. Looking forward for further writings.

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Thank you and I agree. An obsession with goals and outcomes can distract us from the beauty and importance of the way, of simply being on the journey.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Frederik Gieschen

Spot on. I recently ran up a ski hill instead of taking the chair lift. It was hard and I was grinning the entire way.

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Spot on. There’s no shortcut.

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Looks great, thanks for the read.

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Excellent article. Well written. Insightful. Thank you.

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Thank you, Bert.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Frederik Gieschen


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"Wow" - me seeing how much of Liberty's Highlights I have to catch up on :)

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Komisches Gefühl für einen Münchner (der Deinen sehr guten Blog regelmäßig liest) in einem amerikanischen Blog über die eigene Heimat zu lesen. Die Allegorie aufgreifend kann ich nur bestätigen, dass der mit eigener Kraft bestiegene Berg (aka die selbst mit Anstrengung und Gewissenhaftigkeit erledigte Aufgabe) mehr befriedigt als die Fahrt mit der Seilbahn auf den Gipfel ( aka kopierte schnelle Aufgabenlösung). Viele Grüße aus München

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Hatte nur einen kurzen Nachmittag in Muenchen aber war sehr schoen. Bis hoffentlich naechsten Sommer! Viele Gruesse zurueck!

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I had one of the best Schnitzels ever in Garmisch! What a place!

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Yes, food was surprisingly good!

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Great experience, thanks for sharing. Have a safe trip back

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Thanks, Reynaldo.

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