There is time to read quite a bit. I figure that I have time to read about 450,000 pages if I read 50 pages per day, 300 days per year over my remaining life expectancy. That’s nine hundred books averaging 500 pages each. Even if I only get to 500 books, that’s a lot.

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Well said.

And as a wise one said something to the effect that information is infinite and transient, wisdom is scarce and timeless.

I would add that 'truly inspired' works are even more scarce.

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I so share this sentiment and decided that this year I’m revisiting the highlights of books I’ve read and loved, to deepens my understanding of things that were impactful - to integrate, go deeper instead of wider.

I’ve also been reading my old journal entries and finding profound insights within my own archived pages.

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Feel this when the stack on my night stand grows to eclipse the reading light and they get shifted onto the pile on the floor or the pile on the desk or the pile next to the desk...

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