Another excellent and useful article. It reminds us not to merely copy others but to find our strengths and let them run. You are doing that! I was delighted to be reminded that he had signed the Buffett/Gates Giving Pledge.

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Thank you, Arthur. That's exactly right - we can learn a lot about the how and pick and choose the right ideas. Importance of sharing/charity has come into focus for me and I try to highlight it.

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I just spent three hours listening to the Acquired Podcast episode about RenTech. A truly fascinating story.

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"Don’t run with the pack. If everyone is trying to solve the same problem ... don’t do that. Do something original."

I wish more people would follow that advice, but I have learned that many people are wired into the herd mentality. And those who aren't are labelled as weirdos at worst or visionaries at best - like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs.

People don't get that for every Elon, there are 10,000 'weirdos' that spend their lifetime on an original problem and for every Steve, there are 1,000 'weirdos' that never get their problem solved.

The great thing is, those 'weirdos' don’t seek the herd’s validation. They find fulfillment in dedicating their lives to answering their grand questions.

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Please don't just tell me his story, please tell me his formulas.

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