Loved this. I too have always felt that urgency to push against what I assume is my innate laziness. Lately, however, I've been asking myself: Am I *actually* lazy, though? Or have I just convinced myself that deep down, I must be slothful, as a way of justifying my current pace?
I've been dragging my feet on starting an energy journal, but having read how well it worked for you, I think now I'm ready to give it a whirl.
I would try internal family systems or David Milch's writing exercise. We all carry these different, often conflicting, aspects or parts. I found it very helpful to give them a voice (with a therapist/coach is good but writing has been effective too and differently). Allow them to speak to each other and start to separate what is happening with what different parts of you perceive (or believe should happen). It's also very effective to probe into where they come from - "who" thinks you're lazy and why (whose voice is it? often a parental or other family figure or role model shines through). Best of luck!
Loved this. I too have always felt that urgency to push against what I assume is my innate laziness. Lately, however, I've been asking myself: Am I *actually* lazy, though? Or have I just convinced myself that deep down, I must be slothful, as a way of justifying my current pace?
I've been dragging my feet on starting an energy journal, but having read how well it worked for you, I think now I'm ready to give it a whirl.
I would try internal family systems or David Milch's writing exercise. We all carry these different, often conflicting, aspects or parts. I found it very helpful to give them a voice (with a therapist/coach is good but writing has been effective too and differently). Allow them to speak to each other and start to separate what is happening with what different parts of you perceive (or believe should happen). It's also very effective to probe into where they come from - "who" thinks you're lazy and why (whose voice is it? often a parental or other family figure or role model shines through). Best of luck!
Great tips - thank you!!!! I'll report back how it goes.
So many wonderful turns of phrase in this essay Frederik. Not to mention the story and the message.
“Turns out, I drove loops in a parking lot with a great sense of urgency.”
I love reading your stuff and I learn so much as an aspiring writer. 🙏
Thank you, James, hearing that means a lot!