No matter your net worth, unless you explore your feelings and beliefs around money, they will unconsciously steer your life. Lessons from the Ultra-Wealthy
We think we work hard and save money for ourselves. But our most gratifying investments are in people. How Eighty-One Dollars Made Lyndon Johnson
The real money work is inner work. Why Fortunes Are Lost (Why Money Work is Inner Work)
Depending on the money reality we live in — lack, affluence, abundance — money challenges us in different ways. What Money Asks Of Us (The Three Money Realities)
Money can trigger feelings of guilt — and an unconscious effort to lose it again. Al Pacino and the Weight of Wealth
Life with money is like a continuous test. It asks what kind of world we want to live in and what we are willing to sacrifice. Money is a Test (What Money Means)
When money comes easily, potential mistakes seem inconsequential. Even the father of value investing confused his wants and his needs. Ben Graham's Duplex
Careful what life experiment you run. Don't be the Bryan Johnson of money.